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  4. Setup Section Slider

Setup Section Slider

Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Section: Slider

Slider Settings

  1. Hide/Show Slider – Check this setting box to hide and show slider section on the home page.

Slider Background Image

background image ( Add itmes ) –

  1. Background Image – Upload a slider background image for slider section.
  2. Rating – Select your rating.
  3. Disable Rating – Check this setting box to disable rating.
  4. Large Text – Enter a text for slider title.
  5. Large Text Color – Select your large text color.
  6. Small Text – Enter a text for slider description.
  7. Small Text Color – Select your small text color.
  8. Primary Button Text – Enter Primary button text.
  9. Primary Button Link – Enter primary URL and check box for new tab open or not.
  10. Secondary Button Text – Enter Secondary button text.
  11. Secondary Button Link – Enter secondary URL and check box for new tab open or not.
  12. Content Text Alignment – Choose a content text alignment like left, right, center.

Availability Search Form Shortcode

Please enter availability search from shortcode to display from in slider section.