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  3. Setup Section Team

Setup Section Team

Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Section: Team

Section Setting

  1. Hide/Show Team – Check this setting box to hide and show team section on the home page.
  2. Hide social media icons with overlay – Check this setting box to hide team social media icons with overlay in team section.
  3. Section Title – Enter a text for Team title.
  4. Section Sub Title – Enter a text for Team sub title.
  5. Team Layout Setting–  You can choose any layout option for this team section.
  6. Team Bottom Button Text – Enter text for team section bottom button text.
  7. Team Bottom Button URL – Enter link for team section bottom button, and check box for open link in new tab.
  8. Title Color – Select your title color.
  9. Sub Title Color – Select your sub title color.

Team Members ( Add Item) 

  1. User Media – Upload user media.
  2. Name – Enter name.
  3. Designation – Enter designation.
  4. Hide/Show Facebook – Check this setting box hide/show Facebook.
  5. Facebook URL – Enter a URL for Facebook.
  6. Hide/Show Twitter – Check this setting box hide/show twitter.
  7. Twitter URL – Enter a URL for twitter.
  8. Hide/Show Linked In – Check this setting box hide/show linked in.
  9. Linked In URL – Enter a URL for linked in.
  10. Hide/Show Google Plus – Check this setting box hide/show google plus.
  11. Google Plus URL – Enter a URL for google plus.
  12. Custom Link  – Enter a URL for a custom link.
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